The Penn Project: Models of a New Era
"The Penn Project" is a collection of Cos-players featuring a Grey Curtain inspired by Irving Penn.
Irving Penn was a quintessential master of Fashion photography and the principle photographer for Vogue magazine for many decades. With the Penn Project, I wanted to capture a different type of model of the era; The Cos-player.
In the world of Cosplay, the realm is filled with a diverse community driving the social norm to new levels. I wanted to embrace the populace and introduce it to vintage Vogue.
Shot exclusively with an Olympus Pen F and an Olympus M.Zuiko 12 - 40 mm 2.8 lens, the Curtain was reborn to provide a home to classic characters from Samurai Jack's Aku, various Anime & video games to the Independent film, Worst Case Scenario" by Richard Raaphorst.
At the request of some Cos-players, their names have been withheld to embrace their true commitment to the Character,
For more information on Irving Penn, please visit: