Broken - Circa 2k17
“I would say to any artist: ‘Don’t be repressed in your work, dare to experiment, consider any urge, if in a new direction all the better.”
Simulacrum [sim-yeh-ley-krum] is defined as a “slight, unreal, or superficial likeness, image, form, representation, portrait or semblance of a person, thing or situation”.
Example: The Winged Goddess of Samothrace is a Simulacrum of the prow with an ingenious tree head.
Broken - A personal self-portrait depicting the challenges of recovery that comes with a broken right hand. The piece was created left handed and took four computers to come to fruition.
The Dead Also Rises
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Tish & Rose
Inspired by Carolyn Jones - Morticia of The Addams Family
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Inspired by Diane Arbus
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Tarot Card XVII
The Star
When The Star appears, you are likely to find yourself feeling inspired. It brings renewed hope and faith and a sense that you are truly blessed by the Universe at this time.
MODEL | Ali Odette
La Bruja de Cabezas Ensangrentadas
The Witch of Bloody Heads indiscriminately beheads women for their sins.
Inspired by Maria Izquierdo
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Careless Heads
Inspired by Maria Izquierdo
Mujer con Flores
Inspired by Maria Izquierdo
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Tarot Card XIII
Justice oftentimes leaves one “empty handed” and denied. The Crow represents the lack of Civil Rights and Racial Inequality in America.
The blouse is an homage to Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Tarot Card II
The High Priestess
The High Priestess
Over 30+ hours of creating and editing went into this project. The dress was hand “embellished” via Procreate as well as the flowers, Torah & vines.
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Tarot Card XIII
“Death” has multiple meanings in life. At times, it means new beginnings to ensure positive change or letting go someone or a situation that is negative. The borders were hand drawn via Procreate and inspired by the horror film Midsommar directed by Ari Aster.
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Tarot Card XIII Portrait
Fotographed on Location Cos Cob, CT
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
When you want to put on your best shoes and run…
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Waiting for Diego I
I was always amazed by the undying and complicated relationship between Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera. While Frida passed away before him, I imagined her waiting for Diego eternally. Dressed in her finest Tehuana Huipil (Shirt) and Halan (Skirt). With her heart out on the table for him to do as he pleases while his skull resides in her hands.
I recreated a version of Frida with authentic Tehuana material from Coyoacan, Mexico and created the costuming.
INSPIRED BY | Georges de la Tour’s, The Penitent Magdalene
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Waiting for Diego II
Sepia Version
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Untitled “T” - Turmoil
Born in the U.S.A. - Status “Turmoil” 2k20
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Entrapped Freedom
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Inspired by Leonor Fini, 1938
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
MacArthur Park
Josephine Aguayo, lost her battle to Breast Cancer at age 59. She was a generous, whimsical woman, whose love for laughter and Donna Summer were endless. She left me with her dying wish to create a piece from one of her favorite songs; MacArthur Park.
I took elements from the song and created “the yellow cotton dress, foaming like a wave on the ground beneath your knees”.
Fotographed baby “birds like tender babies in your hand” at the Rye Marshlands and hand drew the whimsical forest for the park.
And of course, there is a “cake that was left out in the rain.”
“Lil Josie” was a very giving person, and I included an homage to “The Giving Tree” with the tree stump emblazoned with “Me + Josie”.
The stars throughout the image represent each day in her life. (October 7, 1959 - May 7, 2019).
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Hand of Pain
Tree Imagery - A hollow tree represents the condition of my right hand on most days; painful and stiff. The angels pray over it to take away the tears of my pain represented by water. The shells represent its frailty.
The elements were created from a hollow rree from the Rye Marshlands Conservancy. The Weeping Angel is the Donohue Monument at the Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY and the Hand is mine.
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
The Winged Goddess of Samothrace
Tree Imagery - The Sculpture of the Goddess is missing both her head and arms and is considered to me one of the most moving and inspirational pieces of the world. She resides & was fotographed in the Louvre, Paris, France. She was discovered by Charles Champoiseau in 1863 in Samothrace, Greece. She was created to stand at the prow of a ship around 200-190 BC.
The elements for her head were fotographed & created from trees which reside in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY. The waves were fotographed in Larchmont, NY during a storm.
Spawn & the Twisted Tree
Tree Imagery- The Spawn walks away from its mother's grace. The tree resides in the Rockefeller State Park Reserve, Pleasantville, NY
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Bella Donna
Tree Imagery - Bella Donna is an ultra feminine "Alien Tree Dragon" contemplating the Universe. The tree pictured here resides in the Met Cloisters, New York.
Tree Imagery - Depicts a woman with Acute Pain Syndrome. The Tree is a symbol of her nervous system and the "mask" is the face of pain rearing it's ugly head. The tree resides at the Met Cloisters, NY
MODEL | Sandra Ayala
The Summoning
The Necromancer a series of three fotos begins to battle through time to summon the raging sea in an effort to bring balance to the universe and water to people in need. In the process, time is suspended.
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
The Conjuring
Depicts the Necromancer challenging the universe to raise the Sea in all it's glory and dispels darkness.
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
The Over Lord
The Sea Conjurer raises the Sea and prays for peace in a turbulent world.
MODEL | Self-Scrutiny
Leave Out All the Rest
In Memoriam to Chester Bennington, Lead Singer of Linkin Park - March 20, 1k76 – July 20, 2k17
"When my time comes; Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
And don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory; Leave out all the rest"
THE THIN TREE | A life has always living on the edge, at times in panic and simply dangling.
MODEL | Self Scrutiny
Escaping Thoughts
“Let your dark thoughts turn into Enlightened Butterflies”
MODEL | Self Scrutiny
Battle Legacy
The Battle Legacy of a woman who, against all odds, has survived adversity with her health and existence while she fights Leukemia. She stands tall, strong and steadfast to face her unfolding journey.
Jean, the model in this portrait, requested her "chemo port" be featured to embrace her fight. At the time of this portrait, she is 24 years old.
Peaceful Chant
“Om Mani Padme Hum” –
Om (ohm)- Om is the sound or “vibration” of the universe. This sound is the most important of all; but in the context of chanting and mantras, it is meant destroy attachments to ego and establish generosity.
Ma (mah)- Removes the attachment to jealousy and establishes ethics.
Ni (nee)- Removes the attachment to desire and establishes patience.
Pad (pahd)- Removes the attachment to prejudice and establishes perseverance.
Me (meh)- Removes the attachment to possessiveness and establishes concentration.
Hum (hum)- Removes the attachment to hatred and establishes wisdom.
MODEL | Self Scrutiny
The Earth that Binds Me
Stay, she must, in this earthly realm for mans' Ancestral sins.
May the souls lost find their rightful way.
MODEL | Lidia
The Death of Art
A Self-Portrait depicting Frida Kahlo behind bars contemplating her love of art and her love of Islam.
Which would she choose living in this modern World?
MODEL | Self Scrutiny
Moon Gurl
A girl looks to the moon for advice and the quest of true love.
MODEL | Self Scrutiny
The Hunted
Based on an experience of encountering illegal hunters shooting in a protected Marshlands, the hunted is based on the “Deer's” Point of View.
INSPIRED BY | Frida Kahlo
MODEL | Self Scrutiny