On Bended Knee
Sovereign: A Figure Study
“Women are the Sovereignty of Humanity ”
Sovereign - [sov-rin, sov-er-in] A supreme ruler or monarch; possessing ultimate or supreme power,
This figure study was an opportunity to fotograph the most powerful being in existence:
A Woman
Giver of life
Mother of Nature
Sovereign of the Earth
Olympus Pen F (Digital)
Olympus OM 10 - 35mm film
Arca Swiss 4x6 View Camera - 120 film
Mamiya C330 2 1/4 Camera - 120 film
Tri-X & Ilford HP Film/Filters
Inspired by -
Ruth Bernard + Irving Penn + Robert Maplethorpe
Inspired by Ruth Bernhard
MODEL | M Vermeer
Wrapped In Veil
On Bended Knee
Boxed II
Inspired by Irving Penn
MODEL | Odette
Urban Venus
Lean Back
Obey Little
Sailor Moon
Art Deco
Maplethorpe Reimagined…
… is a series of fotos inspired by the Lisa Lyons series taken in 1981 by Maplethorpe. In this series, I reimagined the fotos with personal props. Grey background and drapes used for the series are original (1981) and part of a private collection.
Robert Michael Mapplethorpe (1946-1989) was an American photographer, best known for his black-and-white photographs. His work featured an array of subjects, including celebrity portraits, male and female nudes, self-portraits, and still-life images.
Photoshop NOT Included / Model - Odette
For more information on Robert Maplethorpe, visit: maplethorpe.org
INSPIRED BY | Robert Maplethorpe
Blinded Flow
Aviators & Whip
“We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents”
There are so many beautiful aspects of film that is difficult to explain. There is grain, blur, sharpness, depth of field and double xposures to name a few. For this project, I used my friend’s Arca Swiss 4x6 view camera as well as a Mamiya 330 TLR. I was joyfully surprised at the creative double and triple xposures that were revealed when I picked up the film.
Featured below are the beautiful outtakes of the Sovereign Project. As always with my portraits, they do not use Photoshop. #photoshopnotincluded
“Boxed & Wrapped in Veil” - A Double Xposure via an Arca Swiss View Camera
Double Xposed
“Wrapped in Veil & Gripped”
Arca Swiss View Camera + Ilford HP 120 film
MODEL | Margaret Vermeer
Triple Xposed
“Wrapped in Veil, Giving & Gripped”
Arca Swiss View Camera + Ilford HP 120 film
MODEL | Margaret Vermeer
Urban Venus II
Mamiya 330 TLR & Ilford Tri-X
MODEL | Odette